The small world of BDSM is still waiting impatiently for the French release of the Australian film My Mistress, with, in the role of the sublime and cruel domino, Emmanuelle Béart. Like the Fifty Shades craze , are we going to witness an outbreak of gag-and-whip products? But this time, it is Monsieur who will have to abandon himself. an incredible blog dedicated to the non-venal feminine domination in everyday life, in short games but also a whole state of mind of the couple.
At the controls, six women at the start, some mothers, in positions of responsibility: Marie Séverine, Virginie, Hélène, Léa, Clotilde and Josiane. Quickly joined by Véronique, Tania, Mojo and many others. All are in couple. Tired of not finding anything interesting on the internet, they decided to launch their website “to reveal to women their unconventional penchant to see their untapped gift for love domination.
Obviously the site is fantasizing full of submissive. They will have to stop there. These ladies dominate only their husbands. It is well indicated. They must have discovered the Guide To Urethral Sounding that was posted on the lustplugs blog.
And above all, these women describe themselves far from clichés: We are not dominatrix waders and whip in hand, as in the photos of specialized sites, even if it can happen. We are ordinary women, like everyone else. We are not born domineering (may be a bit authoritative) and our husbands are not born submissive. But they have become hopelessly back under our leadership, and we work every day to ensure that this situation continues and worsens”
That intrigues you? It makes you flipper? That excites you? All three at once? Let’s go on.
It is a form of sexuality and like all sexuality, when it is well done, it can be a source of fulfillment. A domina must take initiatives, decide, guide the submissive, who discovers the joy of abandonment, pleasure too often reserved for women. There is also all the aesthetics attached to this universe as the love of beautiful materials, fetishes of stiletto, fur, leather etc … For my part, I am fetishist of wool.
Female domination is a very taboo subject. Our sexuality is not deviant to the extent that it is consented. Our submissives are respected. It’s a real deep relationship. We chose domination to give a second wind to our couples. I have spent 30 years sharing my friend’s life. Many men like to be caught in a woman’s web. It puts them in the center, they attract all the attention. Initially, it is a game that changes over time into a more subtle, more intense relationship. It takes time, you always have to invent, let your imagination run, but it’s a loving breath that spices up the everyday. Seduction never goes out.

The control of his tender and expensive is done by overcoming years. It can go very far. For my part, I control all the finances of my man. He no longer has access to his bank account. I have just removed his pocket money. He loves to be held by the scholarships ” (quiet laughter) ” It’s a climbing game, it’s him who launched the idea and I play with it, at my pleasure. I can be Machiavellian but not for destroyed, on the contrary to build. By cons, I do not want to feminize. It’s not my thing to wear suspenders. Each his tastes. ” And so his shots … shots Mistress, of course!
The phallocentric genital sexuality, we will say that of porn, often puts the woman in physical passivity. Except that more and more guys are complaining that girls do not do anything in bed. The success of the book the sexuality of the lazy attests. My bookseller assures me that many men buy it as a gift-wink to their sweetheart. All this to say that domination is a way for some women to live a more active sexuality. Last tip of Mamie Emma, ??do not forget to set some limits together before the festivities. Agree a word that your sweetheart can launch in SOS or a sign because if he is gagged, it is badly barred!
You can require by SMS that it reminds you immediately, or at a given time. You can demand on a day, by warning him by SMS in the morning, that every time you call, he will have to pick up, without saying anything ( and do the same in case he is in a meeting) and quietly rest his open phone. You will hear everything that happens, the time you want, before hanging up. Domination is also an act of sharing.
It is often thought that there are two kinds of women in bed: clitoral and vaginal. We are seriously mistaken. The layer divides between the dominatrix’s in the soul and the submissive ones. How to know which category one belongs to? If you love riding, leather boots and plow men’s backs with your nails, a Cruel sleeps in you. If you appreciate the firm tone, the canine tips on your nipples and keep you on all fours, your provisions for obedience are certain. Why not go a little further in this little game?
The pat on the buttock (material required: one hand and one buttock). In a scene from David Lynch’s Blue Velvet, Kyle MacLachlan, in a loud love affair, moved by the cries of Isabella Rossellini, worries: “I hurt you?” The femme fatale then replied, in a hoarse breath: “If you want …” It is, in the same way, in the fire of the action that your inclination to submission will most easily be released. Your first lesson will be to ask for a tape (or more) on your buttocksduring a ride in the hussar. Word of order: wait, because waiting plays a key role in the reports we are interested in … First, do not dare … Then fondle the idea of ??asking him, this spanking. Make it the envy, at home as at home … Go at last! He said nothing, but he heard. The hand goes up, it will fall down … Live the slam like a liberation! A delicious heat unites the buttocks that blush in the hand that blushes … Did you like?
Urban Obedience (material required: a string and a bar stool). Your newly conquered sexual submissive status should not be limited to the bedroom. Your soul and your body are at the disposal of your “master”. What he orders you, you must execute. See you in a bar … You wear a short skirt, stockings, a string. He asks you for your panties. Forbidden to disobey! When returning from the sinks, extend it to him, rolled in your hand. Now, perched on a bar stool, cross and uncross your legs. The hem of the skirt goes up … Someone will he realize your little game? That smiling man over there? This girl who laughs, not far? So what? You feel proud to be his, everywhere, here as elsewhere, in any stairwell, in any car park,

Lesson # 3: Buying the Whip (Material Required: A Blue Card and Plumb) that’s good, spanking, but it’s still kind of the same. A sadomasochistic report , even soft, is always accompanied by an escalation in the order of pleasures … The whip attracts, by the symbolism that it conveys and by its virile sounding. The easiest way would be to order the instrument on a sex toys site. Go buy it yourself, at Go Sport or Decathlon, it’s more fun. Browse the riding department, find the length of the sleeve that will be well in hand, the leather wick that will snap properly … Face with delight the eyes of the saleswoman, that of the cashier. The whip, you will discover soon, has a definite advantage: the traces it leaves on the skin fade in a few hours.